Stroke Speed1.2 seconds to 100 minutes per stroke (800 minutes in microstep mode).1.2 seconds to 100 minutes per stroke (800 minutes in microstep mode).4.2 seconds to 800 minutes per stroke (3200 minutes in microstep mode).4.2 seconds to 800 minutes per stroke (3200 minutes in microstep mode).
Valve Options120° 3-port, 90° 4-port, T-valve, 90° 3-way Distribution Rotary Plug PTFE or UHMWPE Body materials PEEK or PCTFE6-way distribution valve PCTFE/UHMWPE PEEK/UHMWPE120° 3-port, 90° 4-port, T-valve, 90° 3-way Distribution Rotary Plug PTFE or UHMWPE Body materials PEEK or PCTFE6-way distribution valve PCTFE/UHMWPE PEEK/UHMWPE
Step ResolutionStandard mode 3,000 steps, Hi-Res mode 24,000 stepsStandard mode 3,000 steps, Hi-Res mode 24,000 stepsStandard mode 24,000 steps, Hi-Res mode 192,000 stepsStandard mode 24,000 steps, Hi-Res mode 192,000 steps
Drive DesignDirect drive stepper motor/leadscrew with 30 mm of travel.Manually moveable for ”power off” syringe removal.Direct drive stepper motor/leadscrew with 30 mm of travel.Manually moveable for ”power off” syringe removal.Direct drive stepper motor/leadscrew with 30 mm of travel.Direct drive stepper motor/leadscrew with 30 mm of travel.

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